May 24th, 2017
How good are your boundaries? What are you tolerating from others? Do you find you are always the one cutting slack or giving help but not really getting the same back? Do you let certain people treat you less well than they should? Are you feeling undervalued or unappreciated in certain relationships? If so you
Continue Reading...May 11th, 2017
So said Confucius apparently. Unfortunately he doesn’t give us any info on the best place to start. What makes a job one that you would love? A solid place to start is to work out your values. What are the most important things in your life? What personal code/people/activities keep your energy high, put a
Continue Reading...November 1st, 2016
Anyone doubting themselves, hiding who they are or trying hard to fit in, you are not alone. We all wear masks and not just at Hallowe’en. We can wear different masks at different times, work masks, school masks, masks we show family and friends. We hope these masks will protect us from the world and
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